Be That Girl - plans for the future

Monday, June 12, 2006


hey people...
it's been months since this blog has been updated so i'm gonna start...
Be That Girl07 conference is in the planning so be prepared for a blast next year... but as for this year... I know that the World Cup is in motion now and everybody is so syked that it's finally here... but coming up this july is the annual Inter School Christian Fellowship Rally.... but don't think that it's gonna be the same old thing that's been happening in the past years because it's a whole new chapter in this book.... yup... you heard me right...
CHAPTER2... this years theme of the rally... it means for us to step up to the next level with our relationships, with our focus, with our determination, and most of all with GOD!!! so come and be blessed... the catch is that it's totally and absolutely FREE!!! and it's open to both guys and gals... so bring along your friends and come and be apart of this phenomena.... the details are as stated below....

Venue: Hin Hua Auditorium
Date: 8th July 2006
Time: 6:30pm

for more inquiries please contact:
Seaw Chin(016-2222666
)( or
the Christian Fellowship in the school nearest to you...


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