Be That Girl - plans for the future

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Christmas. Wow. What an incredible season to celebrate. Whether or not you believe that the 25th of December is truly the Christ's birth date or just a pagan ceremony twisted to become some sort of 'religious' celebration of their Saviour, I believe it's an amazing opportunity for us to stop, reflect, and thank God for the amazing gift of Christ.

The other day, I was sitting at work, helping some kids make Christmas cards, the conversation went something like this...

Teacher A: Hey, what are you making?
Kid: A tree.
Teacher A: Yes, it's a Christma.. um.. XMas tree.
Kid: XMas tree :)

Notice how she stops when saying 'Christmas.' Many places have stopped writing the word Christmas. Xmas is now the new season of celebration. X to replace Christ in CHRISTmas. X to say we don't need a saviour, we just want a reason to party. X to say we can live our own lives minus God.

Personally, I did not grow up celebrating Christmas other than attend those Christmas services and occasionally be a part of some Christmas play or musical event. It meant nothing to me until I had a revelation. I realized that we don't really need a special day to remember Christ and God's amazing gift to the world, but we definitely could and should use this time to spread CHRISTmas cheer to everyone around. Not just 'party cheer' but spread CHRIST.

Every other house has Christmas lights up, a Christmas tree, presents, the whole works. These people are aimless in their celebrations, but imagine what a difference it would make if we told them the reason for celebration? A purpose to the lights and sounds.



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